In a world of ever-growing technology that is constantly opening doors of communication in new and innovative ways, I still prefer reading books. I will always prefer reading books. There’s just no other satisfaction that compares to holding an actual hardcopy and savoring meaningful words in a way that challenges my mind and ideas.

And if you’ve read any of the posts in my blog over the last few years, you undoubtedly have a pretty good idea about the character and passion of my mind and ideas! Consequently, it was inevitable, I suppose, that I would gather my ideas and put them into book form for the reader to hold, underline, ponder, read and re-read.

Finding myself in what I call “the autumn of my life,” there’s been an ever- increasing passion in me to encourage younger women– in whatever season of life they find themselves– to joyfully embrace their womanhood in light of who God has created them to be, living their lives as a testimony of His grace for the glory of God and the advancement of His Kingdom on the earth.

This is no small feat in a culture that constantly seeks to dismantle the Christian faith! There is a battle going on for the hearts and minds of Godly women, and therefore I’m pleased to let you know that the first of my series of books is now available in what could aptly be called “The Theology of Womanhood.” An Autumn Song in the Fields of Summer specifically seeks to equip Christian mothers– hard at work in their summer fields– as they raise their children for the glory of God and the advancement of the Kingdom of God on the earth, in our culture, in this current time we’re living in.

I am now working on the next book in the series, which specifically addresses Christian wives, and the third book for Christian women will follow.  If you like what you read in the book, I would be very grateful if you would leave a short review on the Amazon site. That will help spread the message.

In these current days, may God raise up a vast army of Godly women who are deeply committed to reflecting His glory and His Kingdom in the midst of this present godless culture.

You can order An Autumn Song in the Fields of Summer on Amazon using this site:


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